Vote For Senior Coastsiders To Become An Envirotokens Recipient!


You can help Senior Coastsiders be one of the 6 non-profits benefiting from the New Leaf Envirotokens program by voting online today.

Voting ends June 18th, so don’t delay – and you can vote once per day! Click the link below to vote now.

What is the Envirotokens program?

Through their mission of supporting local communities, New Leaf Community Markets’ Envirotokens program rewards customers who make the sustainable choice to reuse bags and keep single-use items out of local landfills. When you shop at New Leaf and bring your own reusable bags, they give you a 10¢ Envirotoken per bag. You can then pay it forward to one of six local nonprofits that they have hand-selected.

Every month, New Leaf tallies up Envirotokens, converts them into dollar amounts and sends a check to each organization. Just another GREAT way to donate to your favorite local senior center.

How to vote online:


  • Select the city where your store is located

  • Vote for up to 5 organizations on the ballot

  • Enter your email address and zip code (used for information only), and submit!

Thank you for supporting Senior Coastsiders!


Interest-Free Financing And Rebates To Install Electric Water Heaters And HVAC Equipment!


The 46th Annual Pumpkin Run By Senior Coastsiders Is Happening Sunday, October 20th!