If you are coming to the Senior Coastsiders or taking class via Zoom for the first time, please complete our MySeniorCenter member form HERE and the Senior Coastsiders waiver HERE. If you come in to the center, you will have the option to compete your membership form and waivers in person. Once you’ve completed registration, you will receive an email from Senior Coastsiders with your membership number and next steps.

If you plan to join via zoom, please also be sure to complete any individual class waivers which can be found with the class descriptions below. If you already have a membership number, learn how to create a My Active Center account and register for Zoom classes, by reading HERE and HERE.

For in-person classes, please bring check or cash to class (most classes have ticket bundle options). Online classes will be paid directly to the instructors and their payment methods are included with their class descriptions below or can be received directly from the instructor.

Scroll down for class descriptions.

Exercise, Health, and Well Being

Chair Yoga* - This class is an accessible form of yoga for those who have limited mobility, flexibility or who are healing from an injury. You can even join us in your wheelchair. Class cost is $5.00. Four-class packets can be purchased for $20 from instructor before start of class.

Come Dance with Me - Beginning Line Dancing – Join in for some casual and fun line dancing with Carmen! This class is free and geared toward beginners. Class meets on Fridays at 9:15am in the sunroom.

Functional Movement* – This class will include both mobility and strength to improve your movement for everyday life. FM class will include exercises like squats, lunges, balance training, pushing and pulling movements like push ups, bicep curls, tricep extensions, deadlift, shoulder presses, back rows, planks and more! We will use both body weight training in addition to bands, weights (or other forms of resistance that you can find around your house). If you have them, please bring a mat and a set of hand weights. Class is held Mondays and Fridays from 10:30-11:30am both in-person and virtually. You must be registered in My Senior Center and My Active Center to access the Zoom class. Functional Fitness Classes with Kerri Dorn liability waiver for online students. PayPal under Kerridorn@yahoo.com. Venmo under @Kerri-Dorn-1. Class cost is $5 ($10 starting March 2025).

Functional Strength and Mobility – In this class you will work on creating a greater range of motion, better posture, and work on improving the holistic function of your body. This is perfect if you are looking to be stronger and move better - and to continue or start doing the things you want to do! Wednesdays from 9:00-10:00am over Zoom. Instructor Kimm Ronberg. For Zoom link, please contact kimm@beyourstrong.com. Class is donation based.

Gentle Yoga* – Composed of vibrant, active seniors who wish to develop strength and maintain mobility and flexibility. Students should be comfortable getting up and down from the floor and will also use chairs and other tools to further practice. Class is held Mondays & Wednesdays from 8:45-10:15am. Instructor LindaGrace Frost. You must be registered in My Senior Center and My Active Center to access the Zoom class. Four-class packets can be purchased for $20 from instructor before start of class.

Guided Meditation with Michelle - This class calms the mind and relaxes the body! Participants are comfortably seated as the instructor guides them through a positive and uplifting visualization intended to ignite the imagination to create positive mental and physical changes such as stress reduction, increased concentration, and pain relief. Must sign up at the Senior Coastsiders office.

Parkinson’s Exercise Class – For individuals with Parkinson’s Disease and is designed to delay symptoms. Students will go through a series of exercises that will adjust to individual needs and will be both challenging and fun. Class is held in person on Wednesdays from 1:00-2:00pm. Instructor Jetta van Hemert.

Pilates Fusion* – Builds core strength and stability using a mat, towel, roller, small ball, bands, floorwork and barre work. If you have them, please bring a mat, roller, and towel. Classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-10:30am. Instructor Kerri Dorn. Class will be offered in-person and virtually. Functional Fitness Classes with Kerri Dorn liability waiver for online students. You must be registered in My Senior Center and My Active Center to access the Zoom class. PayPal under Kerridorn@yahoo.com, Venmo under @Kerri-Dorn-1. Class cost is $5 ($10 starting March 2025).

Qigong* An ancient art that helps develop flexibility and balance. Cost is on a sliding scale, consult teacher. Class is held on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00-2:00pm. Instructor Judy Pruzinsky. Class will be offered in-person and virtually. Zoom meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88424704520?pwd=NU9ZbVpYNnczeDYxY3FZNjhISUZSdz09#success.

Rosen Movement* – Weekly one hour classes are held at the center or over Zoom using fluid motion to increase joint mobility and flexibility.

Wise Woman Yoga* – This class will focus on yoga practices for bone building, the pelvic floor, stiff joints, insomnia and hot flashes. I have collected or created practices to bring strength and flexibility to the spine; to balance the endocrine system; to soothe and cool the nervous system and to focus the mind. Each class will include relaxation to promote a good night’s sleep.

Classes will follow the cycle of the moon…

New Moon… Restorative practice
Half Moon… Bone building, Pelvic floor, Cooling practice for hot flashes... requests welcome
Full Moon… Chandra Namaskara with Mantra and Lunar Pranayama
Half Moon… Bone building, Pelvic floor, Cooling practice for hot flashes … requests welcome.

Class is Tuesday from 11:00am-12:30pm. Instructor Linda Grace Frost. You must be registered in My Senior Center and My Active Center to access the Zoom class.

Arts at the Center

Coastal Arts League Friday Art Classes The amazing volunteer instructors from the Coastal Arts League offer free weekly classes and each Friday covers a different topic or medium. Class starts at 12:30pm. Topics change from week to week and cover anything from oil pastels to cartooning and still-life to collage. Click here for the updated class schedule.

Rhythms with Richard – An informal and active way to connect with others, express yourself, and relieve stress. Everyone is rhythmic, there is no wrong way to drum at a drum circle. No experience required and beginners highly encouraged. Facilitator, Richard Symmons and the group will meet on the second Monday of each month in the Sunroom from 2:00-3:00PM. We invite you to bring your own drum (any type), bell, shaker, rattle or any percussion instrument. If you don’t have one, no worries, we'll have some to share. All ages welcome - group is FREE.

Painting Group – The morning painting group meets on Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30am. This group is for all levels and you must bring your own supplies.

Stamping & Handmade Cards with Cindy McCool – Learn new techniques to refine your skills and enjoy creating seasonal cards the first Thursday of the month from 12:30-2:30 (or until projects are finished). This class is free of charge and priority is given to those age 60 or better. Class size is limited and registration is required. Please drop by the front desk to sign up or call us at (650) 726-9056 to reserve your spot. Students should have their own basic tool kit (Detail Scissors, wet glue, dry glue, dimensional adhesive, bone folder) but the remaining supplies will be provided by the instructor.

Watercolor Wednesdays* with Mary Kay Jolley – Meets Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:30pm. All levels are welcome. Cost is $10.00 per class. Class is offered in-person and virtually. You must be registered in My Senior Center and My Active Center to access the Zoom class.

The Written Word

Book Delivery – If you live on the Senior Campus, you can have your Half Moon Bay Library books delivered to the Senior Coastsiders office for pick up. To get your name on the list for this service, please call 1-833-YES-SMCL or email halfmoonbay@smcl.org.

Mystery Book Club – Meets the first Wednesday of the month at noon. Please call Senior Coastsiders for more information at (650) 726-9056.

More Offerings

Bridge Groups Casual Bridge meets on Mondays from 1:00-3:30pm and Duplicate Bridge takes place on Fridays from 11:45am-2:45pm.

Computer Tutoring – Computer tutoring is available by appointment when tutors are available. Each free session is 30 minutes. Please sign up at the front desk or call (650) 726-9056.

HICAP (the Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program) – Provides free and objective information and counseling about Medicare. Volunteer counselors can help you understand your specific rights and health care options. In person counseling to resume soon, stay tuned.

Improve Your Memory with Puzzles – Challenge your Brain Cells and master doing a few puzzles every day! Join either in person or through Zoom as we tackle a recent Sudoku, Ken-Ken, and the Crossword puzzle presented in the Daily Journal. Group will be led by Professor Richard Symmons as he guides participants through puzzle strategy - but with the focus on class contributions and participation! Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86907544364?pwd=dks0ZnNUalhOQmdKRGVlZWtVaG5Udz09 Passcode PUZZLE.

Legal Advice – If you have concerns about elder fraud, financial abuse or any other issues of concern to seniors, you can call the offices of Attorney Jay White at Legal Aid (650) 558-0915 for help or advice.

Mahjong Players of Chinese Mahjong meet every Friday from 12:00-2:30pm. Please contact Elizabeth Susskind by email at elizabeth.susskind@gmail.com for more information on Chinese Mahjong. Players of Western Mahjong meet from 2:00-3:45pm on Tuesdays. Please contact Wendy Rudisill by email at wendywrudisill@gmail.com for additional information on Western Mahjong.

Parkinson's Support Group The Half Moon Bay Parkinson's Disease Support Group (PDSG) meets monthly on the first Wednesday, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM. The Support Group meeting will follow Jetta's 1:30 to 2:30 PM exercise group at the Center. The purpose of the group is to share information, learning, experience and issues related to Parkinson's. Caregivers and/or spouses are also welcome. The PDSG will plan to invite speakers to future meetings. We welcome all suggestions about topics for discussion.

SEL (Seniors’ English Lessons) – Kiki Wolfeld will be teaching English Lessons to our Senior Community on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm - 4pm and all are welcome to join. See the Beacon for scheduled dates.

Transportation – Redi Coast provides door-to-door service for frail adults. Please call them at (650) 560-0360 for more information. Senior Coastsiders provides transportation to and from our center during the week for classes, lunch, and grocery shopping.  Please call us at (650) 726-9056 for more information.

Trivia Day Fun Day – Trivia Day normally happens the first Monday and third Wednesday of each month (but please check upcoming events for updates) at 1:00pm. Our trivia master is Larry De Young, a long-time Coastside resident, who wants you to get those “Little Grey Cells” working. Larry formulates excellent questions with the support of fantastic slides, a timer, and score sheet. His questions will have your synapses snapping! Grab a smart friend or two to form a team - or join a team when you arrive. If you win, you'll enjoy bragging rights for the month!