Our Mission
“To support successful aging for Coastside seniors by providing opportunities, services, and resources that meet their needs, enrich their lives, foster their independence, and respect their creativity, dignity, and value.”
A Brief History
The vision for a senior community on the coast began in the early 1970s, with a focus on providing services to seniors using a model of volunteerism, community partnerships and fundraising. Ted Adcock was a major force in realizing this vision. Senior Coastsiders has been operating since 1977, became a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in 1990 and moved to our new site in 2014.
A Look Back At 2023
Our Values
We engage the community in promoting and protecting the physical, mental, social, and economic well-being of Coastside older adults.
We support older adults, their families and caregivers with respect, patience, kindness, and empathy.
We embrace diversity and treat people of all generations, ethnicities, backgrounds, ability levels, and beliefs with dignity and respect.
We appreciate the contributions that older adults make to the vitality and richness of the Coastside.
We value the contribution of our volunteers and provide meaningful opportunities that enrich their lives and the lives of those they serve.
We are committed to responsible management of the funds, resources and time entrusted to us by our donors, partners, local government, and volunteers.
We innovate and adapt to meet the diverse and changing needs of an increasing older adult population.
Inclusivity Statement
Senior Coastsiders is committed to providing an inclusive environment for all, regardless of age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, national origin, health status, disability, relationship status, socioeconomic status, and religion. We are against prejudice of any kind. We are against acts of violence towards any person. We stand in solidarity with those who are disenfranchised, who are not provided equal work, equal pay, or basic freedoms.