Nutrition Program


The nutrition program is a cornerstone of Senior Coastsiders' services. Senior Coastsiders' meals programs provide seniors and adults with disabilities with a nutritionally balanced meal as well as the opportunity for socialization. We are fortunate to have a chef on staff who cooks the meals fresh every day. The meals are available for anyone over 60 with a suggested donation of $4.00 per meal.

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A hot nutritious meal is delivered to qualified homebound frail seniors and adults with disabilities Monday through Friday. When necessary, frozen meals can be delivered on Friday for Saturday and Sunday meals.

Member of:

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We serve hot nutritious meals in the dining room Monday through Friday at 12:00pm. No reservations are required, but meals are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

To see this month's menu, click here

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Special holiday luncheons are held throughout the year, and entertainers frequently perform in the dining center. 

On Saturdays, a free community breakfast is served from 9am to 10am.

*Services provided at Senior Coastsiders are partially funded by San Mateo County Area Agency on Aging.