Securing Our Future Through The Senior Coastsiders Endowment Fund

As part of our commitment to long-term support for Coastside older adults, their caregivers and their families, we are building an endowment to ensure our future sustainability.


Our Endowment

We keep our principal endowment funds intact, so that the annual investment income can be used to make meaningful contributions to programs, or operations, or purposes specified by endowment donors.

Our goal is to grow the endowment to $5 million.

Why Now?

The number of people in California aged 60 and over is growing faster than any other age group. The demand for our services continues to grow. Baby Boomers are aging into seniors and living longer lives. Many of these older adults and their families will need our services to keep up with the rising expense of living on the Coastside.

For information or questions about making a tax-deductible contribution to our endowment fund, please contact our Executive Director, Sandra Winter at or (650) 726-9056.


Other Ways to Contribute